Bali to Lombok

How to travel from Bali to Lombok?   

There are several ways to get from Bali to Lombok, depending on where on Bali you're staying you can go by fast boat, ferry or plane.

  • The quickest fast boat route from Bali departs from Padang Bai to Lombok. Padang Bai is located on the East of Bali and there are several companies providing a route from Padang Bai Harbour to Bangsal, Lombok every day which only takes around 2-2,5 hours depending on the stops. This route is offered by Eka Jaya and Semaya One. Eka Jaya also have a daily trip fro Padang Bai to Senggigi. 
  • Bali and Lombok are located right next to eachother making a domestic flight from Bali to Lombok a quick and easy option. A flight between Bali and Lombok takes approx. 25 minutes and from Lombok Airport you can simply book a private transfer via our sister website to most places in Lombok.
  • If you are staying in the South of Bali, you could depart with the island hopper from Serangan Harbor with Eka Jaya. The boat departs from Serangan and stops at Lembongan, Penida, Padang Bai, Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, Gili Air and finally arrives at Bangsal in Lombok. This is best suited for for those who would like to spend a few days in Lembongan or Penida before continuing their journey.
  • Another option from Padang Bai Harbour is the public slow ferry. The slow ferry travels from Padang Bai to Lembar (South of Lombok) and takes approx. 6 hours. This is a very cheap but uncomfortable and long trip, not worth the cost savings for most.

How to travel from Ubud to Lombok?

The quickest way from Ubud to Lombok is by departing from Padang Bai Harbour with Eka Jaya or Semaya One. This trip takes around 2,5 hrs due to a quick stop at Gili T and Gili Air before heading over to Bangsal in Lombok. From Ubud to Padang Bai by car takes around 1-1,5 hrs depending on traffic, hotel transfers can be added during the booking process.


Ferry from Bali to Lombok


Fast boat from Bali to Lombok


Travel from Bali to Lombok

Lombok Airport Land Transfers

From Lombok Airport to Senggigi or elsewhere in Lombok

If you're flying into Lombok and would like to explore this beautiful island some more, we recommend booking your transfers from Lombok airport through our sister website From Lombok Airport you can go to Senggigi, Mataram, Kuta, Selong Belanak, the Gili Islands, Bangsal Harbor, Sekotong and basically anywhere elso on the island! 

We also offer activities on Lombok such as a Lombok sunset tour, a cultural tour of Lombok, a trekking tour with some amazing waterfalls, a surf and stay and a welbeing package!

Travel from Bali to Lombok

Nusa Lembongan to Lombok

How to travel from Nusa Lembongan to Lombok?

The only daily fast boat service from Nusa Lembongan to Lombok is available on our sister site  However is this departure does not suite your itinerary there is a service from Nusa Penida to Lombok.  You can easily arrange a local boat from Lembongan to Penida once you are there, the crossing is only about 15 mins. Alternatively take a boat from Lembongan back to Padang Bai in time to connect with one of the multiple boats departing daily from Padang Bai to Lombok.  Just use the search box on our website or on our sister site to see the various options available.

How to travel from Nusa Penida to Lombok?

The trip from Nusa Penida to Lombok with Semaya One can be booked on our website. You can simply book Nusa Penida to Lombok.  If this doesnt suit your itinerary you can also just take a boat back to Kusamba (close to Padang Bai) in time to coneect with one of the departures from Padang Bai to Lombok. Just use the search box on our website to see the options available.

Travel from Lembongan to Lombok


Ferry from Lembongan to Lombok

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